Quick Thought – Friday, June 14, 2024: Hidden Agendas


Matthew 26:14-16

And from that moment he sought an opportunity to betray him.
Matthew 26:16


Dave got his driver’s license on his 16th birthday. A week later, he met Betsy, a cute girl who seemed to have a big crush on him. She didn’t live far from him, so when she asked if he could give her rides to and from school, he gladly accepted.

In the weeks that followed, Dave started “majoring” in Betsy. He spent too much of his time calling her and driving her around and not enough time studying. As a result, his grades started to fall. And yet he and Betsy never became “official,” because she said she wasn’t ready for a commitment.

One night, Dave went to the county fair with some friends, and it was there that he saw Betsy in the arms of another guy. It seems that the problem with a commitment only applied to Dave. And then it dawned on him that the only reason Betsy was so sweet to him was that she liked the convenience of riding in his car.

Hidden motives never stay hidden. Eventually, they’re found out, and usually only after they cause a world of pain to everyone involved.

In the case of Judas, he took a seat in Jesus’ inner circle because he likely believed that Jesus would lead a political revolution to overthrow the Romans. But we really see Judas move into action when he’s motivated by money – 30 pieces of silver, to be exact. Judas was already known for dipping his greedy hand into the disciples’ money bag. So when Jesus didn’t out to be the political revolutionary that Judas expected, the disciple’s two biggest motives came together: greed and defeating the Romans.

It’s likely that Judas figured that putting Jesus on the spot would force his master to finally reveal who He was and what He was capable of – and Judas could profit at the same time. Unfortunately for him, the plan completely unraveled – at least his plan. God’s plan was in full motion, and He used Judas and his hidden agenda to bring it about.

Today, the disciples who eventually stood up for the Gospel are famous throughout the world. You can see churches, hospitals and schools named after them. But the ones with hidden agendas – like Judas, Pilate, Herod and Caiaphas – are merely infamous. Their names are bywords, and their legacy is treachery.

As you move forward each day, examine the motives of each task you undertake and each relationship you enter. Be sure that you don’t have any hidden motives or agendas in doing something, and that you deal honestly with each person in your life. Pray to the Lord that He will keep your heart pure in all respects and that He will help you live in such a way that you will always have a reputation for being forthright and honest.

Reflection copyright © 2024 Doug DeBolt.

Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

About Douglas Blaine

Capnpen is a writer who was a newspaper and magazine journalist in a previous life. A college journalism major, he now works as an English teacher, but gets his writing fix by blogging about a variety of topics, including politics, religion, movies and television. When he's not working or blogging, Capnpen spends time with his family, plays a little golf (badly) and loves to learn about virtually anything.
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