Quick Thought – Monday, June 10, 2024: The Blessing of Children


Psalm 127

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
    the fruit of the womb a reward.
Psalm 127:3


Throughout my life, I always knew I wanted to be a father. Like so many young men, I had visions of teaching my boy how to throw a ball and how to treat a woman like a lady. I grew up in a large family, so I figured I would also have large family. Of course, I couldn’t see that only one child was in my future.

In October 1997, my wife revealed that she was pregnant with our first (and only) child. We were both thrilled — we were building our own family! Again, that thought that occurs to most men creeped back in — I had hopes that my first would also be my namesake. We decided to name a boy, “Douglas Jr.” We didn’t have any idea what we would name a girl. Before long, we had to find that name, because as you can see from the photos, we most definitely did not have a boy. There was a moment of disappointment that my dreams of a son weren’t happening, but then I thought about having an awesome daughter, and I could teach her all of the same things I would teach a son, while also helping her to learn how to be a lady.

On June 10, 1998, my dreams came true. Elizabeth Justine came into the world surrounded by love, and she brought no end of joy into our lives. The past 26 years have been an adventure as we have had wonderful experiences with a child who is beautifully unpredictable but who values family almost above everything else. We have only this one child, but what a child! I can’t imagine living these 26 years without her.

Today’s verse talks about children being a blessing from the Lord, and they have all of the potential for being that. They need love and direction, kindness and firmness. They need our attention, but not our overindulgence. We help create that blessing by the way we raise our children.

There’s one other thing I’ve learned — well, many, but one I’d like to share. I wanted a boy, and I got a girl. I wanted a large family, and I just got one child. Philippians 4:19 says that the Lord will supply all of our needs, but it doesn’t say anything about our wants. I didn’t get what I wanted, but 26 years ago today I got exactly what I needed, and I’ve been grateful to the Lord every day for the blessing that is my daughter.

Reflection copyright © 2024 Doug DeBolt.

Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

About Douglas Blaine

Capnpen is a writer who was a newspaper and magazine journalist in a previous life. A college journalism major, he now works as an English teacher, but gets his writing fix by blogging about a variety of topics, including politics, religion, movies and television. When he's not working or blogging, Capnpen spends time with his family, plays a little golf (badly) and loves to learn about virtually anything.
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